Unveiling the Writer
Hi! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sophie and I'm from Yorkshire, England.
I am currently studying a Masters in Journalism at Goldsmith's College, University of London. So far, I have learned a great deal about the field of journalism, news and features writing, interview techniques, video producing software, subediting, and the use of InDesign.
I hold a First Class BA (Honours) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American studies, from the University of Leeds, which has allowed me to travel, fall in love with the world, and develop my passion for writing.
Through my writing, I wish to make a change to the world. Whether that be informing of local or global events, offering advice and information, or making someone smile with a story.
My dream would be to become an international, broadcast, or investigative journalist, informing the world of injustice and culture. My inspiration varies from the National Geographic and Amnesty International, to documentaries by Stacey Dooley or Louis Theroux.
I wrote my undergraduate dissertation on the effect of Covid-19 on Indigenous peoples in Brazil, specifically how the media is portraying this and how that differs to the experiences of the people affected. This provided me with valuable experiences in interviewing, research, and writing.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to learn more about my work, myself, or how I may offer my writing skills in any way.
Thank you, gracias, obrigada...